Sunday, April 03, 2005


Sometimes you feel so misunderstood. There are times, when everyone makes things so legalistic and everything has to be carried out by rules. I'm not saying that rules are bad - rules create order but too much of rules / order makes me feel imprisoned. Some people think its terrible to think in your own way. This is basically because they are bound by the order of the system and any change from that just scares them out of their freaking skin.

Why can't it be seen that white is not essentially 'white' but a mixture of different colors? Why can't people understand that it is not just their view that makes a system function perfectly but a collection of intelligent ideas proposed by different members of the organisation?

I guess when no one listens to what you have to say, it irritates. The first time, it is okay but repeatitive ignorance, can lead to a lot of frustration. Yes, thats what it is! It's frustration. This makes you want to just break out of the system and wreck every single rule that makes you function in "order". It is not always the old rules that make the system cope up with time. Time changes and its essential for the rules to change. It is not always required to be so rigid. If a system has to improve on its efficiency, it has to adapt to change. If I said I thought the rules had to change, most people would probably disagree but why can't they just take the time to look at the idea rather than get scared of 'change'?

It's probably the fear of living outside the system that causes everyone to be bound by the same old rules. Well, we have to improve the system, or all you people will just have to put out the fire that is burning within me. Till then, I am just going to be so Mizundastood!!!!


Blogger Shrutz said...


4:50 AM  
Blogger Angel said...

I agree...the frustration!

This also means we ought to lend a ear to someone else's two cents,.
Interesting post!

9:43 AM  
Blogger kickassso said...

i feel that once evry few years there ought to be revolution...and along with it a new matter how nice or grand a sytem of government, If it is too old it loses its relevance......the laws should be reasoonable not politically correct, like for example make you liable for any injury a robber might suffer in your house. can you believe people have paid?

2:02 AM  
Blogger Wandering Soul said...

veryone goes thru this phase

11:36 AM  

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